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Instagram Story Templates

Grab all the Instagram story templates you'll ever need completely for free. We've created dozens of Instagram templates based on a few popular categories that Instagrammers seem to keep posting.

Grab these story templates below, completely for free, or download all of them in one click:

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About these Instagram templates

These Instagram templates are completely free to download. They cover a wide range of topics - from food, to favorite sports, games, TV shows, and more. Feel free to use any of these.

Credit us, please!

There's a watermark at the bottom of each story template. Feel free to put something over it, like a sticker. Please tag @getnitreo whenever you use one of our story templates. We would appreciate the support.

What size should Instagram story templates be?

Instagram story templates display at 1080x1920 (9:16 aspect ratio) and should therefore be those dimensions. Be aware that Instagram story template size displays differently depending on the Instagram user's mobile device, meaning the top and the bottom of each story template may crop on smaller resolution devices. Most phones now support 9:16 aspect ratios.

Why use story templates

Story templates are a great way of engaging your audience by telling more about yourself. Specify your favourite animals, food, or things you generally do or align with. This gives your followers a better impression of who you are.

Why make these!

A lot of personal brands and influencers use Nitreo to grow their Instagram. We always recommend that they engage their audience as much as possible, and Instagram story templates are one way of doing exactly that!

Will that extra large watermark go away?

When you view any of the Instagram stories templates below, there's a large logo watermark overlayed across all these story templates. When you download the story template, rest assured that this logo watermark will NOT be there. The small watermark will still be visible at the bottom of each story. Feel free to use a sticker, poll, or anything else you want to cover that one up. Just please tag @getnitreo somewhere on your story! Thank you 🥰

Instagram Templates

These free Instagram templates are just waiting to be downloaded. Once you find one that you like, click on it and your download will start. Check 'em out!

Learn More

Maybe you've heard of us...

Or maybe you haven't! We're Nitreo, an Instagram growth service that helps thousands of influencers, coaches, and brands around the world grow their Instagram accounts organically.

Our signups close in - so if you're interested in finding out a little more about us, check out what we do or watch this video!

Learn more about Nitreo
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While you're browsing with these templates

Using Instagram templates is a fantastic way to garner some engagement from your followers. But have you ever felt like growing your Instagram was a pain in the butt?

Working on growing your audience on Instagram is tough, especially when you have to focus on creating content AND engaging with your target audience. That's where Nitreo comes in. We let you focus on posting the best content ever, and we focus on growing your Instagram. Learn more about what Nitreo can do for you - so you can post more templates like these with your free time!

  • Nitreo engages with your target audience
  • You get more Instagram followers
  • See results daily
  • Focus your time on content creation
Start growing today
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