Average Rating
Audited on 10/12/20
Account Audit
Ratio Analysis
About this metric
The average percentage of the user's audience that like or comment on their posts.
Comment Analysis
About this metric
The average percentage of a user's followers that comments on their posts. Note: some users may purposefully limit the comments on their posts.
Ratio Analysis
About this metric
The average likes a user gets for every comment they recieve on their posts.

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We're an Instagram growth service that helps propel your Instagram to the next level - helping you get more likes, engagement, followers, and more. We're your helping hand when it comes to growing your Instagram. Learn more about us and what we do or sign up as soon as you're done auditing!
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Audience Audit
Audience Engagement Analysis
About this metric
The average percentage of the user's audience that have followers who like or comment on their posts. This is based on the mean average followers of the audience.
Audience Post Analysis
About this metric
The average number of posts made by the user's audience. Low post counts may allude to bots as they only engage with content rather than posting their own.
Audience Follower Ratio Analysis
About this metric
The average followers the user's audience typically has for every account they follow.